I urge, first of all that requests prayers and intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone for kings and all those in authority, that we live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness 1 Timothy 2:1-2
We have elections coming up in about 2 months. We have a very direct command here to pray for those in authority. We are never called to criticize or attack them. For these early Christians it was much more urgent and real because they never knew what a new emperor of Rome would be like. Would they be sympathetic towards Christian’s or persecute them. There was no democracy or voting or having any say. We are privileged beyond measure to live in a democracy. I urge you to begin pray for our elections and the 2 referendum votes on legalizing dope and euthanasia which will have major implications on this Nation for decades to come if passed. Pray God would raise up righteous leaders full of wisdom and authority and who you should vote for. Let’s take it seriously and bring the coming elections before God continually.