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Writer's picture: robinhornrobinhorn

“But they continued to sin against Him ….. For they did not believe in God or trust in his deliverance” psalm 78:22

“In spite of all this they kept on sinning. In spite of all his wonders they did not believe” Psalm 78:32

The biggest sin for Israel in the wilderness was their continual unbelief in what God spoken and all the miracle’s he had shown them.

Watchman Nee noted rightly that the most basic sin according to the word of God is unbelief. How sad that we pay so little attention to that one sin that the Bible emphasises the most.

What a challenge. We need to repent where we know we are walking in unbelief and where we have been playing it to safe and refuse to get out of the boat when the master is calling us higher and deeper with Him. It’s time to get out of the boat again and take some risks. Jesus continually was challenging the disciples about their faith or lack of faith in different situations they faced like the storm on the lake ort their lack of faith of casting out the demon in the boy. Remember it’s always on our end never Gods end. Sometimes we just need to repent of our deep seated unbelief and stop making excuses for our own unbelief.

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