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“Because of the increase of wickedness the love of most will grow cold but he who stands firm will be saved’ Matthew 24:12-13

“… men will faint from terror (fear)apprehensive of what is coming on the earth, …” When these things begin to take place stand up and lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near” Luke 21:27-28

Jesus gives these 2 clear warnings for us in the context of the last days. We have to guard our hearts very carefully. It’s interesting with the corona virus and the climate change debate a spirit of fear and paranoia has been unleashed in to the earth. This is not about the debate about climate change. It’s about the fear that has been released and how as Christians how we respond. If we have fear we are no longer walking in faith and we will lose our witness and testimony and our faith can end up been shipwrecked. I think sometimes we forget that this earth is dying and is heading for judgement and a new earth and new heaven. Nothing that man does is going to stop this. Should we look after the earth and be good stewards. Of course but it’s also holding that in tension. Romans 8:22. “We know that the whole of creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time” This earth is dying and a new earth and new heaven will be birthed because of sin. That’s the reality and hope we live by. Let’s not get swept up in the fear and paranoia and hopelessness being unleashed. These things will increase. Our lives should be one of a shining light declaring the good news of Jesus Christ. Fear has no place in the Kingdom. Keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.

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