A clear prophetic word came to us a few months ago about people starting prayer meetings in their work places. Then about 1 month ago it came back to me very strongly at the prayer meeting. The question was have we been obedient to it. Often I think we hear stuff but we don’t take it seriously before the lord. Praise the Lord over the last couple of weeks I have heard some testimonies from some of you of how you have started meeting at your work place just in 2 or 3s and beginning to pray for your work place and for salvations. I just sense this is so much on Gods heart. I remember in Indonesia this was one of the ways how the church flourishes. Every work place the Christians would meet once a week during lunch time and pray and worship. This is so much on Gods heart. He’s up to something in this time of reset in the corona virus. Below is a prophetic word from a well-seasoned prophetic voice from the States but it really rang true for us here at this time and season? So if you haven’t pursued this please pray and ask God and then take some concrete steps to begin to put into action. Remember God wants our obedience. We thank the Lord for the prophetic voices in our house, but we have to respond in obedience above all else.
Nets for the Harvest
The Holy Spirit is looking for fishermen who know how to cast the nets for the harvest.
I am convinced that these nets are comprised of two's and three's agreeing in prayer; yes, two and three or more, gathering together in homes.
I see the church in the marketplace.
I see two's and three's, the ekklesia, in education, meeting in the government and in hospitals.
I see a movement of two and three coming together in manufacturing plants and schools.
I see a wind of the Holy Spirit blowing, birthing a microchurch movement. I see this as I have never seen it before!