‘In all life’s circumstances we are primarily challenged to see like the Lord, think like him and speak into our circumstances the words of release, power and favour. Only when those three things are present and working can our behaviour change to become like Him in actions’
Quote Graham Cooke.
It’s only when we face difficulties and challenges that we discover what’s really going on in our heart. Usually instead of words of release, power and favour, arising in hearts often our fears, doubts insecurities, worry anxiety and negative emotions begin to arise. That’s when we need to learn to press the pause button, and begin to remind ourselves what God what he has promised in His word and begin to speak those things out. That’s part of our warfare and it takes discipline and self-control. One of the fruits of the Holy Spirit is the spirit of self-control. We can ask the Holy Spirit to help us in our weakness in those times. He is more than willing to help because after all he is our counsellor one called alongside to help.