Ephesians 4:20
“And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption”
The Holy Spirit is person and so can be grieved. The word grieve denotes a pain and grief that can only be experienced between 2 people who deeply love each other. The Greek word would normally be used to picture a husband or wife who has discovered his or her mate has been unfaithful. The betrayed spouse is shocked, devastated hurt and wounded and grieved because of the pain.
The relationship that exists between us and the Holy Spirit is precious. The Holy Spirit is deeply in love with us. So when we live like the world act like the world and respond like the world does it grieves him shocks him, hurts and wounds Him. When we deliberately enter into sin we grieve Him. The incredible thing is that lives in us to convict of us of our sin and to empower us to live a holy life. When we do sin and fail he doesn’t condemn us. He brings conviction so we can repent and ask for forgiveness and be restored back into right relationship.
Every day it’s a good thing to spend some time asking the HS is there anything in my life that causes you grief. If there is please reveal it to me so I can change. He loves to answer those sorts of prayers.