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‘I urge then, first of all, that requests, prayers and intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone for kings and all those in authority that we may live peaceful quiet lives in all godliness and holiness” 1 Timothy 2:1-2

Elections are this Sat. You may have already voted but scripture tells us to pray for those in authority over us. So let’s do that this week. Also please vote. It’s important for us believer’s to vote and have our say. As believer’s who do we vote for? I think we have a responsibility to vote for those hold most closely to clear biblical standards of righteousness and not for a party because my parents or my grandparents voted for them. We should not vote on personalities or even economic policies alone. I’m convinced we will be as believers held accountable before God if we vote for MPS or political parties who are pushing and promoting unrighteous laws and unrighteous moral laws in direct violation of Gods clear word. We have some parties who have pushed through abortion laws that allows termination of a life up to full term birth. At least 2 parities have publicly announced that they want to push through hate speech legislation and ban conversion therapy both which are targeted specifically towards Christians. Let’s not bury our head in the sand. Vote wisely and do your homework on what parties and local candidates believe in. See these things from Gods perspective and not your own perspective.

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