“But now he has reconciled you by Christs physical body through death to present you holy, without blemish and free from accusation if you continue in your faith established and firm not moved from the hope held out in the gospel” Colossian’s 1:23
I shared this verse on Sun. It’s the very heart of the transforming power of the Gospel. Is not referring to something of our status in the future in heaven. Its talking about how God sees us right now this very moment. He sees us holy, without blemish, free from accusation. It’s because we are in Christ and Christ lives in us. When God looks at you, he sees Christ. He sees us clothed in His holiness without any blemish, clothed with the robe of righteousness, free from accusation. Satan is the accuser of the brethren. He will try and accuse us and condemn us. You are useless you have fallen again. How can Jesus love you and so on. God just points him to Jesus and his robe of righteousness that he gave us. Oh, the wonder the awe and the power of the Gospel. Mediate on this, ask God to open your spiritual eyes to see the reality of this and to live from that reality every day. Every morning when you wake up begin to declare to the Lord. Thank you see me holy, blameless and you never accuse me. All because of you Jesus all because of the wonderful Gospel. Give him your old mind set, wrong thinking. Keep short accounts. Yes, we fall and sin but soon as we confess to him it its under his blood. He’s forgotten it never to remember it again. Let’s do the same.