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Testing of our faith

‘when Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming towards him he said to Philip, Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” he asked this only to test them for he already had in mind what he was going to do’.

John 6:5-6

Interesting he asked them to test or prove them.

It’s a word that means to test to reveal the quality of a material substance. The process of testing metal to reveal the quality to discover whether the quality was superb or inferior. This is done through a furnace of fire.

Jesus was deliberately testing the disciples, putting out this challenge before them to expose the true level and quality of their faith. As a result the disciples would discover whether or not they still had room for improvement in the faith realm.

Our faith has to be tested by fire. If the situation you are facing right now has exposed the fact that your faith level isn’t what it should be thankful this has happened so you could see the true condition of your faith walk. It’s a demonstration of Gods mercy. Is it possible that God is trying to help you by showing you that your faith level life still has room for improvement.

The lord asked Kris Vallotton a pastor at Bethel church recently the question ‘Is your faith in the fire’ It was a loaded statement because it’s only in difficulties and trials that our faith really grows in Him. It’s important how we respond in difficult situations. Seize it as an opportunity to grow in faith. Be encouraged the disciples often failed in their faith. Several times Jesus rebuked his disciples for their unbelief but they failed forward and finally grew in faith.

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