First of all, thank you for your prayers as I recover from the operation. I’m still fairly sore and get tired very easily so taking it easy. I slowly coming off the pain killers.
I have been reading some of Watchman Nee again lately. Always find it stimulating. I thought ill write some of his thoughts down on the Spiritual man.
Gods purpose for his children is that they be delivered wholly from the old creation and enter fully into the new creation.
God cannot be known by our thoughts, feelings or intensions; He can be known only directly by our spirits.
Gods thought is for the spirit to have pre-eminence over the soul. But as man through the fall has become fleshy, his spirit has sunk into servitude to the soul, hence man has descended not only from spirit control to soul control but also from soul control to body control.
What is lacking most in the lives of believer’s today is not a better living but a better dying. We need to die a thorough death.
Defeat can be attributed to one of 2 things. Lack of faith or a failure to obey.
Walking in the spirit is not only not committing sin but also but not allowing self to abide. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit can manifest his power only in those who are living their lives for Him.
The soul of man always attempts to retain its authority and move independently. This is the war that is waged between soul and spirit in every believer.
When a Christian remains carnal, he is ruled vigorously by his desires. Self-delight, self-glory, self-exaltation, self-love, self-pity and self – importance all issue from mans desire to render self at the centre of everything.