Colossians 1:21 -23
“Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight without blemish and free from accusation if you continue in your faith established and firm not moved from the hope held out by the gospel.
This is one of those golden nuggets in the scripture and the unbelievable truth of the Gospel's power. If we believed this and woke up every morning with this confession on our lips it would transform us. The amplified says presented holy spotless and blameless before Him. When you wake up every morning God sees you as holy, blameless, and free from any accusation or condemnation, because of your position in Christ. The key is if you continue in your faith. Learn to wake up every morning and declare this. More and more I realize how much we often walk in unbelief. I’m convinced it’s one of the greatest sins that we don’t even recognize or even more scary we justify in our lives. Jesus said you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. It's truths like this that will set us free if we get a hold of it and boldly declare it. When God looked at you this morning when you woke this is how he saw you. Complete in Him because of Christ. Let's be careful we don’t turn the Gospel into something that is self-centered and all about us and serves our needs and wants. Our lives are not defined by our past but by who we are in Christ. We are clothed with His robe of righteousness. He sees us as perfect in His sight. When he looks at us, he sees the finished work of Jesus.