On sun morning Phil Tait from Grace Vineyard in Christchurch brought a really great message to us about making sure we keep the tap turned on in regards to our spiritual lives. It really spoked to me that we have the responsibility to stir ourselves up in the Holy Spirit to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit. There is a number of ways to do that. A consistent prayer life and devotional life, reading His word and stay connected in fellowship and in a community of believer’s. All these are essential spiritual discipline’s we need to take very seriously. But one thing he specifically spoke about was praying in tongues a lot, every opportunity we have. In the car, in the shower, when you go for a walk. Your prayer time in the prayer meeting. Just do it. Try going for 30min, or one hour. In serious about that. Don’t let the devil rob you of this incredible blessing. It says he who prays in an unknown tongue builds himself or edifies himself in the Holy Spirit. In other words, makes him strong spiritually and keeps the tap on to the river to keep it flowing. We are praying mysteries in the Spirit and praying in the will of God. Phil said he talks to many, many Christians who hardly pray in tongues and he said he’s seen many Christians who have no strength and are weak spiritually. He felt it was because they have turned the tap off. Praying one minute a day in tongues is not going to cut it sorry. We have become over familiar with this wonderful gift God has given us. His secret weapon which the enemy hates us doing. Its not just a oncer either its making it part of our lifestyle.
I recalled the story of Abraham when he came into the promise land, he dug wells because that was necessary for survival. You need fresh water. One time the enemy came and filled up the wells he dug with rocks and stones and he had to go back and re-dig the wells, again. That’s a word in season. We need to re-dig our wells that have been turned off and filled up with rocks and rubbish.
Jude 20 says but you dear friend build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. What’s the best way to do that. Pray in tongues. One translation says keep your spirit at boiling point or make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher in the amplified Bible. Oh my, oh my. The sky is the limited. What are you waiting for.