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“Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed the man doomed to destruction” 2 Thessalonians 2:3

Paul's warning the believer’s 2 things must happen before the return of Jesus. The rebellion must occur and the anti-Christ will be revealed. What is the rebellion that must occur?

Its better translated until the great falling away has occurred first. This phrase the rebellion or falling away comes from the Greek word Apostasy which depicts mutiny against authority. Paul used this word to depict a worldwide society engaged in an outright mutiny against the authority and the standards of God and His word in the last of the last days. This is precisely what we are beginning to see in our world today especially in the Western church. There is a separation taking place, a demarcation line is been drawn. This falling away is even happening in the church where many are turning away from the clear teaching and authority of God’s word. And no longer standing true to Bible based convictions and Gods absolute truth. We are seeing an accelerating falling away but we will also see a harvest of the lost come in. These two will be happening together side by side. A massive undertaking is taking place into epic lawlessness so that the world will more readily embrace this Satan inspired anti-Christ. We need to know and stand on Gods truth (his word) which is absolute and the final authority in our lives. No compromise.

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