And he said to me, “My holy lovers are wonderful, my majestic ones, My glorious ones, fulfilling all my desires” psalm 16:3 Passion Translation
Real transformation happens not so much by trying to change yourself but its seeing yourself as God see you and hearing that in your heart. We often get caught in the trap that our walk with Christ is our responsibility and so it becomes a self-improvement programme. We end trying to clean up our own lives. But in actual fact transformation happens best when we see how God really sees us and we experience His unconditional love for us. A good question to ask him is ‘papa when you look at me what do you see.’ The amazing thing is all of heaven is attracted to us because all of heaven is attracted to Jesus who lives in us. We have been clothed with a cloak of righteousness so when God looks at us he sees us as perfect in Christ. He sees His son in us. We are in Christ and so all our circumstances are in Him. Many times we are own worst enemy because we don’t see ourselves as he sees us. A good prayer to constantly pray is Lord open my eyes to see as you really see me.