“In the eastern tradition Grace is not merely unmerited favor. Grace is defined as the uncreated energies of the Holy Spirit. That is, GRACE is God experienced directly as the indwelling, transforming presence of the Holy Spirit”
Excerpt from Bradly Jersak’s book :A more Christ like Way
I love this. The overarching purpose of God is that He is transforming us into the image of His son. Everything that God allows to come into our lives, every circumstance, every situation, and every person he brings into our live is to transform us into the image of His son. Nothing is wasted. I love what Graham Cooke says “The short cut to becoming like Christ is having difficult people in your life” That’s an amazing revelation. It’s when someone is used to press all our wrong buttons that we learn to walk in love to walk in the fruit of the Holy Spirit. That’s why we can’t live outside community. But isn’t it funny how we want to run from difficult people and difficult situation’s yet those are the very things God uses us to transform us by the indwelling person of the Holy Spirit. God’s wonderful grace –empowering presence. The key is dying to self and surrendering to the person of the Holy Spirit.