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“Pour into me the brightness of your daybreak! Pour into me your rays of revelation truth. Psalm 43:3 Passion translation

The NIV translation says “Send forth your light and your truth let them guide me and let them bring me to your holy mountain”

The passion translation says “showing the way into your burning presence into your many sanctuaries of holiness”

This passage very much ties in with Paul’s prayer in Ephesians. “May God give you a Spirit of wisdom and revelation that you may know Him better.

In Psalm 119:25 David puts it this way “Quicken your word to me” or “revive me according to your word” 

These are such key scriptures that tell us how to pray. See God is the one who initiates all our growth in Him and its by the power of His word and the quickening of His word to our hearts and spirits by the person of the Holy Spirit. In John 16:15 Jesus said the HS will take what is mine and make it known to you. It’s the work and activity of the HS living us who reveals all who Jesus is us and what He has accomplished for us. So, its opening our hearts before Him and saying Lord only you can reveal yourself to me by, you’re the person of the HS. So, Lord give me the Spirit of wisdom and revelation and pour into me and send your light and truth into my heart and mind. This is a good way to pray in accordance with Gods will. Begin to hunger and thirst for more of Him with these verses. Allow Him to develop a hunger for Him in your heart.

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