Psalm 46:10 from the passion translation says
“Surrender your anxiety. Be silent and stop your striving and you will see that I am God”
I have talked about this verse before but the key to this verse is reading it in the context of the whole psalm. The psalm is entitled God on my side and is about how to respond when everything is shaking in the earth and there are raging storms and fear and anxiety are screaming in our faces like at the moment with the corona virus and all the uncertainty that comes with it. And yet in all this it says even these things cannot erode our faith and then after verse10 God says ‘I am the God above the nations’ and the psalm ends with “The mighty Lord of Angel- armies is on our side The God of Jacob fights for us’
Be still has the idea to cease and desist like a parent separating 2 children struggling or fighting. Cease from frantic activity so we can experience Gods acting for us. There is an act of faith and trust on our part.
Bill Johnson said once ‘In times of great personal struggle we often increase our spiritual activity to silence the pain. But doing so usually increases our striving which delays breakthrough. Be still and know that He is God. Slow down and lean into Him