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“And be fully satisfied, fulfilled in the revelation of your glory in me”

Psalm 17:15 Passion translation

Foot note “I will be satisfied when your faith is awakened”

I love this verse. The key word is revelation. We need our spiritual eyes opened by the Holy Spirit who is the spirit of revelation and wisdom to see and live in this reality. One of the greatest revelations in the New Testament is now the fact we don’t have to go to the temple to meet with God like in the Old Testament. His presence dwelt in the temple in Jerusalem. We have now, you and me become the temple of the living God. God now lives in us through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. Paul declares Christ within us the hope of glory. He has taken up permanent residence in us and its no longer I that lives but Christ that lives in me. Jesus lives his life now through us. He’s looking to manifest his very life through us every moment of the day. The biggest problem is that much of the time we are not aware of that fact. We live as if he’s out there somewhere and we are looking out there to try and get Him to come, but we are in Him and he is in us. We live and move in Him. Let’s pray that our spiritual eyes would be open to this amazing present reality.

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