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God likes us to ask us questions and loves for us to ask Him questions.

Here is a question Do you believe what I believe about you or you could turn it around Do I believe what God believes about me.

That’s a good question don’t you agree. When God looks at you how does he see you. How does he perceive you. In Acts 17:28 it says “For in Him we live move and have our being”.  That means He is in all of our circumstances. Nothing is outside of Him.  Nothing comes into our lives that He doesn’t no about. He is right there with us. Do we live with that awareness and reality every day. His presence is with us when we sense Him with our emotions or whether He is present in our faith. One is not better than the other. Both are valid. His love is 100% towards you and I every moment. It has nothing to do with our circumstances or if we are having a good day or a bad day. His love never changes. Never let your present circumstances define your relationship with Him and who you are before Him. Don’t let your past define you. He sees us as righteous, holy and redeemed because we are in Christ and Christ lives in us. He made us a brand-new creation when we gave our lives to Him. The old has gone the new has come. That new is the very life of Christ within us. His vey nature imparted into us. In repentance and rest is our salvation. Its constantly and consciously turning to Him and resting abiding in Him through out our day. It’s all about relationship and surrender not striving and trying harder. That has the opposite effect.

I love that scripture in Psalm27:5-6 from the passion translation

“For he hides me there in His holiness, He has smuggled me into His secret place where I am safe and secure out of reach from all of my enemies. Triumphant now I bring Him my offering of praise, singing and shouting with ecstatic joy.”

Who’s our hiding place Jesus. I have died and my life is now hidden with Christ in God” col 3:3 Oh I love that verse. Oh, to live in this truth. Do you believe what God believes about you or do you have a false or the devils narrative running through your head.    

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