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“The God of passionate love will meet with me my God will empower me”

Psalm 59:10

Again context is everything when reading this Psalm from David. He composed this when Saul had set an ambush at His home to kill Him and he managed to escape and flee in the middle of the night. He had to flee in such a hurry he even forgot to take His sword. What amazes me in the midst of all this he had a level of expectancy and anticipation that God would meet with Him. He knew God was a passionate God of love who was passionately in love with him. Amazing. He didn’t become paralyzed with fear. He didn’t fall into hopelessness or despair or a pity party –woe is me. God doesn’t love me or condemnation. He just knew that the God of heaven was passionately in love with Him and so would meet with Him. Do you know God is passionately in love with you in whatever you are facing, no matter how many mistakes you have made and are struggling and so He will meet with you. He will empower you to overcome. Is that your level of expectancy or have you fallen into despondency. Bring it before God and let your declaration and confession be like David’s this day.

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