“But now he has reconciled you by Christs physical body through death to present you holy in His sight without blemish and free from accusation – if you continue in your faith” Colossians 1:22
How we see ourselves and believing what God believes about us is a big deal because it in turn affects our relationship with Him and therefore affects our walk with Him. Do you see yourself as holy, without blemish and free from accusation because of what Jesus did for us? We were clothed with His robe of righteousness. When God looks at us he sees what Jesus has done for us. Yes he has forgiven our sins but far more than that. He puts all our sins into the sea of forgetfulness. He can’t even remember. When we sin and confess it it’s gone for ever, he can’t even remember it. He sees you holy, without any blemish, no accusations. That gives us confidence in our relationship with Him and we want to please Him even more. We have to except and embrace that by faith. The devil is the accuser and brings condemnation. The Holy Spirit will convict us but never condemn us. The Holy Spirits convicts us and brings us to repentance. Condemnation makes you feel yucky, not good enough, a failure, God can’t love me. I’m useless and so and so on. No believe what God the father and Jesus say about you and declare that truth. You are in Christ and so have been reconciled to the Father in right relationship. Ask Him to give you a revelation of this amazing truth.