Here are some more quotes from Watchman Nee on the cross
Jesus completed a twofold work” he saved them from the penalty of sin and saved them from the power and control of sin has over them. Sadly many only take advantage of the former.
God’s word does not say the old man needs to be washed. This old man – the sin factor –is corrupted beyond repair. Therefore, Gods way of dealing with the old man is to put it to death. This is accomplished through the union of the old man with the lord Jesus in crucifixion. An ignorance of this fact explains why so many live in defeat. Apart from dying with Christ there is no other way to put the old man to death. And apart from putting the old man to death there is no way to live in victory.
Satan is always looking to for an opportunity to reactivate the old man. Whenever we are careless or unwatchful, whenever we do not stand on the death ground of Calvary, our old man will revive its activities and resume its position.
Always stand firm on the teachings of Roman 6;11 by reckoning or counting yourself dead to sin and alive to God in Christ In this way you can triumph today and reign in the age to come.
Victory is not due to our depending on self. On the contrary victory is due to standing in the finished work of Calvary