Today I will do something different and will give some great quotes from Watchman Nee one of my favorite authors. Hope you enjoy
‘For the written word of God to becoming a living word of God to you he has given you ‘the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him’
“What is in Christ cannot sin; what is in Adam can sin and will sin whenever Satan is given a chance to exert his power over it”
“There is an old world and a new world and between the two there is the tomb. And although God has already crucified me with Christ I must still consent to be consigned to the tomb”
“As long as we are trying to do anything, he can do nothing. It is because of our trying that we fail”
“Living in the Spirit means that I trust the Holy Spirit to do in me what I cannot do myself. It’s not a case of trying, but of trusting, not a case of struggling but resting in Him”
‘Gods way of deliverance is altogether different from man’s way. Man’s way is to try and suppress sin by seeking to overcome it. God’s way is to remove the sinner. Many Christian’s mourn over their weakness, thinking that if only they were stronger all would be well. But Gods means of delivering us from sin is not by making us stronger; rather, it is by making us weaker and weaker. God sets us free from the dominion of sin not by strengthening our old man but by crucifying him; not by helping him to do anything but by entirely removing him from the scene of action”